Monday 19 April 2010

Weather God Mercies Us / Hava Tanrisi Merhamet Etti.

It's been raining and cold all through the week. We had to cancel our trip to Uji on Friday night, because it was still pouring and it didn't look like it was going to end. Luckily, the weather turned fine by Saturday.

Butun haftaici soguk ve yagisli gecti. Planladigimiz Uji gezisini Cuma gecesi iptal etme karari aldik. Cuma gecesi hala sakir sakir yagiyordu ve kesilecek gibi de gorunmuyordu. Hava tanrisi acidi bize, Cumartesi hava iyiye dondu.

On Saturday, it was temple visits...mostly. We went to see many temples on the north-east of the city; popping in as we came across one, which happens every few hundred meters in fact.

Cumartesi tapinak gezmekle gecti. Sehrin kuzeydogusundaki tapinaklara girdik ciktik. Her birkac yuz metrede bir tane cikiyor karsiniza zaten. 

We saw two wedding parties; one traditional, one western style (still in a traditional carriage, though).  Those trees (look like blossomed) are actually wish trees.

Biri geleneksel, biri bati usulu (gerci onlar da geleneksel arabadaydi)  iki dugun alayi gorduk. O ciceklenmis gibi duran agaclar aslinda adak agaci.

Sometimes I can't help but wish some more tradition was kept for me , even if it was only in form. I would bother to get married if I knew someone prepared a ceremony for me like this traditional one. It looks like it means something at least. Still, I didn't tie a paper on the trees :-)

Keske az biraz daha gelenek, sekilde bile olsa, benim icin boyle canli tutulmus olsaydi diye dusunmeden edemiyorum bazen. Simdi, benim icin biri, bu geleneksel merasim gibi bir merasim hazirlayacak olsaydi ben de belki evlenme zahmetine girerdim. En azindan bir seye benzerdi. Ama yine de adak agacina kagit baglamadim ;-)

After that we went to the traditional crafts center. 

Ondan sonra da geleneksel el sanatlari merkezine gittik.

We rested a little at Cafe Bibliotic Hello!, a cafe on my list, which we came across by pure chance, while looking for Japanese school bags (Randoseru). These bags are said to have come from The Netherlands 200 years ago. They are very expensive, but super cute.

Bir ara, Japon okul sirt cantalarini (Randoseru, Hollanda'dan 200 yil once gelmis bunlar buraya, cok tuzlu ama cok tatlilar) aramaktan yorulmusken, benim listemde zaten olan Cafe Bibliotic Hello! cikiverdi karsimiza, orda biraz soluklandik.

Next is Sunday...
Arkasi Pazar...

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