Tuesday 20 April 2010


The highlight of Sunday was the Ikebana exposition at the Ikenobo Building. This is THE place in the world for learning Ikebana. Ikebana is the art of flower arrangement, which started in Kyoto by Ikenobo family and passed on from generation to generation. A classmate of mine is studying at this institute and let us know there was an exposition for three days. Nowhere else in the world could you see so many superbly done arrangements in one place. Even in Japan, you get to see such an exhibition rarely and then it's only for 2-3 days. It was worth all 500 Yen (3.99 EUR) for the entrance. It is a joke, since I'm used to paying around 15 EUR for half collections in The Netherlands.

I got jam-packed with 60plussers (mostly grandmas) in an elevator and it was fun. I like old people: they are always more cheerful and comfortable (not necessarily with elevators, though.) We adored a very cute arrangement with some 90 year old together and commented on it a little. 
The photos don't do any bit of justice to these creations, since you have to experience them in dimension. They were also placed to be viewed and not photographed, so the height of the backdrop was too low to get good shots. So please enjoy as is.

Pazar gununun doruk noktasi Ikenobo binasindaki Ikebana sergisiydi. Burasi, Ikebana ogrenmek icin gelinecek dunyadaki bir numarali adres. Ikebana, Japonlarin cicek duzenleme sanatinin adi. Bu sanat, Kyoto'da, Ikenobo ailesi tarafindan baslatilmis ve kusaktan kusaga aktarilmis. Benim bir sinif arkadasim bu enstituye Ikebana ogrenmeye gelmis ve bizi bu uc gunluk sergiden haberdar etti. Dunyanin baska hicbir yerinde bu kadar ustalikla yapilmis duzenlemeleri bir arada gormek mumkun degil. Japonya'da bile boyle bir sergi her zaman acilmiyor, acilsa da 2-3 gun icinde yakaladin yakaladin... Girise verdigim 500 Yen'e (7.90 YTL) sonuna kadar degdi. Burda giris ucretleri, Hollanda'dan sonra saka gibi geliyor. Orda yarim acik muzeye asagi yukari 15 Euro vermeye alismisiz.

60 ve yukarisi yaslarda bir dolu nineyle asansore balik istifi oldum, cok da hosuma gitti. Yaslilari severim ve tercih ederim; cogunlukla daha rahat (asansorle aralari iyi olmasa da) ve gulec oluyorlar. 90 yasinda bir nineyle cok sevimli bir duzenlemeye birlikte bakip yorum yaptik. 

Fotograflar, bu harikulade yapitlarin hakkini cok fena yiyor. Zira uc boyutlu gorulmesi gerekir bunlarin. Zaten gorulmek icin yerlestirilmisler, fotograflamak icin degil; o yuzden arka plan cok alcak kaldi. Lutfen oldugu kadarinin keyfine varin. 


  1. Nice..some look like a bonsai tree combined with flowers..how is that done, do they just stick the flowers in the tree, in the earth?

  2. It looks like that, but it isn't. As far as I remember everything is cut, including tree branches. Ikebana has so many rules (Mauru told me) that I can't begin to explain them really.

  3. it all looks so orderly and dedicated, the flowers, the weddings, everything! Nice and beautiful :) But how about some spontanity and perhaps chaos? None of that? kisses!

  4. I guess these pics and thoughts are through my sieve; I cherish orderly :-)
    The communication is, for example, a chaos. They can't make one full sentence if their lives depended on it. You can't get a straight answer, it always depends. I'll try to write a post about about what is not so straight as well.
