Friday 23 April 2010

Out with Classmates / Sinif Arkadaslarimla Ciktik

  Actually, I'm staying home sick today. I haven't recovered from the Ramen I ate on Wednesday night. It may even be the flu (since it's got worse and not better in 2 days).

Wednesday evening, I took the underground by myself for the first time. I couldn't find the fare and had to ask for help. The Japanese are eager to speak English if they can, too. Although I'd asked in Japanese the teenager helped me in English. I even had to change at Oike station and it went all fine.

I first met with my classmate Mauru (the Ikebana guy) and we grabbed something to eat before seeing a film. We chose a ramen shop. Ramen is actually from China, but it is a super-popular dish here, and the Japanese made it their own. It was so hot, I lost my voice for 5 minutes. Mauru didn't like the dish he ordered (which turned out to be pork fat), so he filled himself up on gyozas (dumplings). The beer he ordered for us turned out to be 0% alcohol, but it tasted really nice.

After the dinner we went up to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. We were supposed to meet Arina and her boyfriend, but we ran a bit late. So we saw them later when we entered the cinema. I didn't know if anyone else would join us from class, but they didn't. After the film, Arina and her Japanese bf gave me a ride back home. As Michiel-The-Wise says; "It always makes you feel more part of it all to ride in a native's car". I failed majorly in explaining him which turns to take in Japanese, though.

The film was all fine...I expected very little of it, honestly. Buuuut what excited much more was the short trailer before the film. It was the trailer of Ghibli's latest:  Kari-gurashi no Arietty. The one minute or so trailer mesmerised me. Unfortunately, it's opening in July here and probably I can catch it only early next year once in a film festival before it opens in Europe after 2 years (Ponyo was just like that).
Also Liar Game Final is on, which I intend to see (Michiel, eat your heart out) although I'll understand zilch without subtitels.

  Pics from my mobile / Fotolar cepten

Bugun evde dinlenecegim; hastalandim. Carsamba aksami yedigim Ramen'den sonra iflah olmadim. Gerci iki gundur iyilesecegime kotulestim, pekala grip de olabilir.

Carsamba aksami kendi basima metroya bindim ilk defa. Gidecegim yerin kac para oldugunu da bulamayip bir ergenden yardim istedim. Sagolsun Japonlar da Ingilizce biliyorlarsa hemen Ingilizce atliyorlar, ben Japonca sordum, o Ingilizce yanitladi. Hatta hat degistirdim metroda, o bile sorunsuz gitti.

Once sinif arkadasim Mauru (Ikebanaci) ile bulustuk ve birseyler yedik, sonra da bir film izledik. Yemegi de Ramencide yedik. Ramen, Cin yemegi olmasina ragmen Japonlarin cok sevip yedigi ve kendilerine has hale getirdikleri bir sey. O kadar aciydi ki 5 dakika filan sesim kisildi. Mauru ismarladigi yemegi begenmedigi icin (gele gele domuz yagi geldi) , gyoza ile karnini doyurdu (bir cesit kizarmis manti). Bize bir de bira soyledi, o da alkolsuz cikti, ama tadi gayet guzeldi.

Yemekten sonra Alice Harikalar Diyarinda izlemeye girdik, uc boyutlu versiyonunu. Bir diger sinif arkadasim Arina ve onun erkek arkadasiyla bulusacaktik ama biz geciktik. Onlari da salona girince gorduk. Siniftan baska gelen olacak miydi bilmiyorum ama, baskasi gelmedi. Filmden sonra Arina ve Japon erkek arkadasi beni eve biraktilar. Bilge Michiel'in de dedigi gibi "Yerlinin arabasina binmek, herseyin daha cok parcasi olmak demek"'. Ben evimin yolunu Japonca tarif etmeyi beceremedim ama, o baska.

Film hostu, iyiydi...zaten cok sey beklemeden gittim. Amma velakin asil beni buyuleyen sey filmden onceki 1 dakikalik tanitimlardan biri oldu. Ghibli'nin son filmi Kari-gurashi no Arietty burada Temmuz'da gosterimde. Artik gelecek yilin ilk aylarinda bir festivalde filan yakalayip gorecegim, cunku 2 yil gelmez Avrupa'ya (Ponyo da aynen boyle olmustu). Ayrica, Liar Game Final gosterimde (Michiel, catla da patla) onu da gormeye niyetliyim, altyazisiz pek bir sey anlamayacak olsam da.


  1. oh that's no good news! Feeling any better today? Hope so! Big kisses from us!

  2. No, it was awful indeed. I got very miserable and scared. Luckily I feel much better now, though not 100%. Big kisses back from me :-)

  3. OK I am eating my heart out..Liar Game is probably my favorite of dramas you found us this year. Would love to see reactions from the Japanese audience when Fukunaga screws everybody over once again :)
