Thursday 6 May 2010

Holiday Begins / Tatil basliyor

Time is running out and with the holiday and all, I'm quite behind schedule for the blog. I would have liked to write more extensively, but it's not going to happen. I'm writing the beginning of the holiday when it's ended.

I sat for my last big test on Friday. I was so confused by then, I thought I'd better not sit for it at all. However, I took the test, I'm not here to slack.

On saturday I met with Claire and then with Caline to visit the Manga museum. It was large and impressive. Manga is a very important part of Japanese life. I can't imagine elsewhere people would visit a book museum (if it exists at all) and hangs out there for hours reading. The manga were classified into decades and sometimes genres. Pics were again not allowed , so I couldn't take many. It was ok to take pics of the manga artists, showcasing.

Zaman akip gidiyor, e araya tatil de gidince ben blog yazma isinde biraz geride kaldim. Herseyi cok daha detayli anlatmak isterdim ama mumkun gorunmuyor. Tatilin basini ancak tatil bitince yazabiliyorum.

Cuma gunu son buyuk sinavima girdim. Kafam oyle karisikti ki girmesem daha iyi diyordum ama yine de girdim, kacmaya gelmedik buraya.

Cumartesi Claire ve sonra da Caline ile bulusup Manga muzesine gittik. Cok buyuk ve etkileyiciydi. Manga (cizgi roman) burda hayatin cok onemli bir parcasi. Baska bir yerde boyle bir kitap muzesi olsun, insanlar da gidip saatlerce takilsin, okusun...hic sanmam. Manga yillara ve bazen de turlere gore duzenlenmisti. Fotograf yine serbest degildi, o yuzden cok cekemedim. Manga sanatcilarini isbasinda cekmek serbestti, ben de oyle yaptim.

After the museum we took the Sanjo shopping street to hunt down a 350 year old establishment, specialised in producing needles. Caline does patchwork, she was very delighted to find these super needles. It was a little, quaint shop, reached through an'd never expect that off a very busy shopping street. 

Muzeden sonra Sanjo caddesine gidip 350 yillik bir dukkan aradik. Bu aile sirketi igne yapiminda ustaymis. Caline patchwork (kirkyama) yapar, pek memnun oldu cok iyi igneler bulduguna. Boyle bir dukkani, bu kadar islek bir alisveris caddesinden cikan bir kucuk ara yolda hic beklemezsiniz.

We headed down to Gion, to see the Maiko and saw none. It was a disappointment, which I remedied by going again later on.

Gion'a, Maiko gormeye gittik ama bir tane goremeden donduk, Ben bu ise cok bozulup sonra yeniden ugradim ve bir tane gordum.

We ended the day in the soba restaurant again. This time I tried Tempura and wasn't too impressed.

Gunu bizim soba lokantasinda tamamladik. Bu defa Tempura ismarladim ama cok memnun kalmadim.

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