Friday 7 May 2010

A Day in Town / Sehirde Bir Gun

Monday I left with Caline and saw the Nishiki market.

Pazartesi evden Caline'le ciktim ve Nishiki Pazarini gezdim.

We ran into Claire after the exit. We're already running into people we know :-) Claire agreed to accompany me on the hunt for the Ghibli shop. The tip was given to me by Arina and I had to go and see it.

Cikista Claire ile karsilastik. Artik tanidiga filan da rastlar olduk. Claire benimle gelip Ghibli dukkanini bulmaya ikna oldu. Buradan bana Arina sozetmisti ve de illa bulup gormem lazimdi.

The way to the shop crossed Gion and I finally saw a Maiko. Actually two :-)

Dukkana giden yol Gion'dan geciyordu ve de sonunda bir Maiko gordum. Hatta iki tane :-)


I roamed a little and photographed some more pretty things before returning.
Sonra biraz daha gezinip, guzel seyleri fotograflayip dondum.

1 comment:

  1. make such a nice pair :-)
    Good stuff liefje
