Friday 30 April 2010


Wednesday night we decided to eat out. My classmate Arina had recommended a soba restaurant, which she said was superb, so I really wanted to try it. Soba is noodles made of buckwheat. I think they are my favourite among all types of oriental noodles.

Carsamba aksami disarda yiyelim dedik. Sinif arkadasim Arina bana bir soba lokantasi onermisti, hakikaten sahane demisti, ben de o yuzden mutlaka denemek istiyordum. Soba, karabugdaydan yapilan bir cesit eriste. Benim de sark eristeleri arasinda en sevdigim cesit bu.

The restaurant had a very homely feel with the wooden interior. Just at the entrance I could watch soba being made, absolutely by hand (kneading, cutting). We had to wait about 15 minutes before we could take a seat, although we saw there were many seats available once we went upstairs from the lobby. I think they had temporarily run out of noodles :-)

Her taraf ahsap oldugundan ev havasinda bir lokantaydi burasi. Giriste soba yapimini izledim; hersey tamamen el yapimiydi (yogurmasi, kesmesi). Yukari cikip da oturana kadar lobide 15 dakika beklememiz gerekti. Halbuki ust kata ciktigimizda pek cok bos yer oldugunu gorduk. Galiba o sirada taze ersite bitmisti.

I ordered hot soba with season veggies. Caline ordered with fried shrimps (Ebi Tempura). Then we both ordered  what we thought was a cup of sake. Then the guy came with a huge bottle and filled up the square dishes, what I'd though was for stock. He actually overfilled it until the dish under the glass dish was also full. You had to drink the first sips without lifting the dish. Whichever you look at it, it was at least 4-5 shots all in all.

Ben mevsim sebzeli, sicak eriste ismarladim. Caline de karides kizartmali (Ebi Tempura). Sonra birer sake ismarladik. Biz normal likor bardaginda bekliyoruz ama, arkadas elinde kocaman bir sise ile gelip, benim et suyu koyulacak sandigim koca kare tabaga basladi doldurmaya. Tasti, yine durmadi, altindaki kabi da doldurdu. Ilk yudumlari tabagi kaldirmadan hupletmek gerekti. Nerden baksan 4-5 tek sake etti doldurdugu.

Soba was indeed very well made. I intend to go back probably once more before I leave and try something else.

Soba hakikaten cok iyi hazirlanmisti. Donmeden once, bu sefer baska bir sey denemek icin yine gitmek niyetindeyim.

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