Saturday 8 May 2010

Kyoto CS / Kyoto Istasyonu

Kyoto Central Station is a world on its own. It may be the largest building I've ever been in. It goes on and on and on, with busy train platforms, subway entrances, hotel, shops, department stores. It's massive. These pictures show the central entrance side, only.

I can walk there from my room in 3-4 minutes (because of traffic lights, which take forever to turn green). It takes you longer to walk inside, across the building, or take escalators to higher floors. The escalators are stairway to heaven. The top left photo was taken after halfway.

Although I went there almost every single day for one thing or another, I put off taking pics until now. In guess it became too local too soon. 

Kyoto Istasyonu baslibasina bir dunya. Benim girip ciktigim en buyuk yapi bu olabilir. Islek platformlari, metro cikislari, oteli, dukkanlari, alisveris merkezleri derken uzayip gidiyor. Cok buyuk. Bu fotograflarda gorunen sadece ana giris tarafi.

Kaldigim yerden oraya yurumem 3-4 dakika (o da yesile donmek bilmeyen trafik isiklari yuzunden). Binanin bir ucundan diger ucuna yurumek ya da yuruyen merdivenle ust katlara tirmanmak daha uzun suruyor. Yuruyen merdiven semaya ulasacak saniyorsunuz. Sol ust fotograf yolu yarilayinca cekilmis bir fotograf.

Her gun bir sebeple ugramis olmama ragmen fotograflarin cekme isini hep erteledim. Galiba hemencecik "bizim buralar" oluverdi.

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