Wednesday 7 April 2010

Class Starts / Dersler Basliyor

I said I was going to post new pics, but that will have to wait, since our tourist days are over. I was so focused on the test that, once it was over, I relaxed and didn't prepare for the first lesson. I didn't know what to prepare anyway since we didn't know our level. I should have prepared for the worst, which always happens :-)
What I mean by the worst is that I'm going to the intermediate kind of level, which is actually advanced beginners with a lot of intermediate students in it. This should be considered a success, since I was studying towards attending this class. So little did  I know what I was getting myself into.

After the opening ceremony, which was actually a welcome speech and announcement of test results, we went to our respective classses. Caline and I are in different classes. I felt  like a kindergarden child when I heard it, but Caline actually was happy to get rid of me ;-) 

We are actually at a level in-between what we were each sent to. So Caline is the best in her class and I'm probably the worst. I felt so in any case.

I have, it seems, a way to fake knowledge in exams. Everyone else was fluent in my class. I have no clue why and how I'm sitting in this class. Anyway, I had a decision to make today, whether I want to turn this trip into a lot of studying and less entertainment or vice versa. Because I'm a masochist, I've decided to stay where I am.

The funny thing (or not so funny thing) is Caline and I are the only students in the Kanji class. We are being privately tutored. Her classmates will have to learn Kana first and my classmates already study 300 Kanji book. There seems to be noone else in the entire school who speaks Japanese as much as we do and as illiterate as we are.

I have a lot of  homework and 8 kanji to learn just for starters. Caline knows them all, so she enjoyed her day out after class. Come to think of it this makes me the worst in Kanji in the entire school!

Until I get this shock out of my system I'll be posting less. So wish me luck :-)

Yeni fotograflar koyacagim buraya dedim ama biraz bekleyecek. Maalesef turist gunlerimiz sona erdi.Benim aklim fikrim testte imis, sonra bir gevsemisim ki hic hazirlanmadim derse. Gerci neye hazirlanacagimi da bilmiyordum ama. En kotusune hazirlanmakk lazimmis, gordum bugun.

En kotusu dedigim de suymus: Orta seviyeye verdiler beni. Aslinda ileri baslangic duzeyi ama siniftakiler daha cok orta duzeydeler.Ben bu seviyeyi hedef alarak calismistim, o yuzden bunu basari saymak lazimdir ama hapi da yuttum yani.

Acilis seramonisinden sonra (ki o da bi hosgeldiniz-bes gittiniz, bu da buyrun seviyeniz konusmasiydi),herkes kendi sinifina gecti.Caline ve ben ayri dustuk.Ben duyunca anaokulu bebesi gibi mahsun kaldim ama Caline gule-oynaya gitti, sevindi herhalde benden de kurtulduguna.

Biz aslinda bu iki seviyenin ortasinda bir yerdeyiz.Yani Caline sinifinin en iyisi, ben de benim sinifin herhalde en kotusuyum...en azindan ben oyle hissettim.

Gorunen o ki ben bu test islerinde -nasil beceriyorsam- olmayan beceri ve bilgiyi varmis gosteriyorum. Benim sinfta herkes bulbul, dutu bir bana yedirmisler. Bugun o yuzden bir karar vermem lazimdi. Ya bol eglence, gezmece ya da bol inekleme. Ben mazosist oldugumdan ineklemede ve bu sinifta kalmada karar kildim.

Isin komigi, ya da traji-komigi, Caline ve ben Kanji sinifinda yalniziz.O yuzden ikimize ozel ders. Onun sinifindakiler daha Kana yazmayi ogrenecek, benim sinifimdakiler de 300 Kanji kitabina basladi. Tum okulda bizim kadar Japonca konusabilip de bizim kadar okur-yazar olmayan baska  kimse yok.

Yiginla odevim, yarina ogrenecek 8 kanjim var.Caline hepsini zaten biliyor, cikti gezdi dersten sonra. Bu da demek oluyor ki koca okulda kanji'de benden kotusu yok!

Ben bu durumu yedirene kadar pek birsey yazamayabilirim buralara. Sans dileyiniz lutfen :-)


  1. Well done darling for making it to intermediate, go for it! :x

  2. This will help you with your kanji:

  3. bol şans ablacım, sen halledersin her şeyi, yeter ki iste, seni seviyorum aklım sende!
