Sunday 11 April 2010

The Botanical Garden / Botanik Bahcesi

On Tuesday we took the underground for the first time and went to the botanical gardens. I wish the pic was a bit sharper, but I took it quite sneakily. Japanese usually sleep on public transport, especially on the underground. These people were all taking a nap.

Sali gunu ilk defa metroya binip botanik bahcesine gittik. Keske resim daha duzgun ciksaydi ama caktirmadan cektim. Japonlar toplu tasima araclarinda uyuyorlar hep, ozellikle de metroda. Resimdekilerin hepsi uyuyor.

At the botanical gardens they had more than 100 kinds of sakura. This was the most impressive displaye we've seen fo far. They had all sorts of plants, of course: Peach, magnolia and camelias were also in bloom.

Botanik bahcesinde 100'den fazla cesit sakura agaci vardi. Simdiye kadar gorduklerimiz arasinda en etkileyici yer burasiydi. Tabii baska bir suru cesit bitki vardi. Seftali, manolya ve kamelya da cicekliydi.

I did wedding photography as well:

Dugun fotografcisi da oldum:


At some point Japan met The Netherlands.

Bir noktada Japonya Hollanda'yla bulustu.

We made some pics of each other:

Birbirimizin fotografini cektik:

And before leaving we saw a Bonsai garden:

Cikmadan bir de Bonsai bahcesi gorduk:


  1. Awesome wedding pic! Generally awesome pics. *envy*

  2. Mooie foto's!! How do those people know when to wake up?? How was class today? Enjoy your stay!


  3. I have no idea how they know. They have a inner wekker I guess.
    Class was much better today, I could follow it at least ;-)
