Tuesday 16 March 2010

Let's see how it goes/ Bakalim neler olacak...

This time last year, I had no real plans of going to Japan in 2010. Occasionally, someone would ask me "So when are you going to Japan?", and I would say "One day...once I've learned enough Japanese". It turns out that there's a limit to how much you can learn by following a class once a week. If I stuck to my original idea, I could do it in ten years.

Gecen yil bu zamanlar Japonya 'ya gitme planim hic yoktu. Vardi da yoktu. Birileri, arada " Ee, ne zaman gideceksin Japonya'ya?" dediginde, "Hele dili bir sokelim de..." diyordum. Dili sokmeyi oyle hafta bir gidilen bir kursa birakirsam on yila belki olurdu.

Caline -my classmate- and I started talking each other into a possible trip. We decided Spring was the best time, and she told me Kyoto was the best place.  Since this is a big deal for us both, we started  looking into it quite timidly. Now it's happening!

Sinif arkadasim Caline ile birbirimizi gaza getirdik. Bahar en guzel zaman olur dedik. Caline de "Kyoto en guzel yer olur" dedi. Ikimiz icin de son derece heyecan verici bir yolculuk oldugu icin, caktirmadan, yavas yavas  arastirmalar yapmaya basladik. Simdi gercek oluyor!

This is not going to be a usual sight-seeing trip. There's no itinerary . All we know so far is :
  • We have a  ticket for Amsterdam-Osaka on 2 April, and Osaka-Amsterdam on 10 May.
  • A place at Arc Academy Kyoto (although we still have to sit for a level-test)
  • A small apartment  to stay in the center.

Bu yolculuk oyle klasik bir turistik gezi olmayacak.  Simdilik emin olduklarimiz:
We'll see how it goes. Therefore, the blog...

Neler olup bitecek, gorecegiz. Blog'u  da ondan actim.
I'll try to write both in English and Turkish, pretty much how I've done in this post.
This is my first attempt at blogging, so I welcome all suggestions and encouragement :-)

Bu yazida yaptigim gibi, hem Turkce hem Ingilizce yazmaya calisacagim.
Ilk defa bir blog tutacagim; onerilerinizi ve desteginizi beklerim efem :-)

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